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The role of excavator radiator
Source: | Author:guangshanen | Published time: 2020-04-01 | 1597 Views | Share:
Excavator radiator:  ①The role of the radiator transfers the heat absorbed by the coolant in the body to the outside air, and the temperature of......
  Excavator radiator:

  ①The role of the radiator transfers the heat absorbed by the coolant in the body to the outside air, and the temperature of the coolant is reduced.

  ②The structure of the radiator The radiator consists of the upper water space, the lower water chamber, the radiator core, the radiator cover, and the drain switch.

  A. The role of the radiator cover is to seal the water cooling system and adjust the working pressure of the system.

  In general, the steam valve and air valve are closed under the action of a spring. When the temperature in the radiator rises to produce steam and the pressure rises to a certain value (generally 26-37kPa, some radiator covers can reach 0.1MPa), the steam valve opens and water vapor is discharged from the steam discharge pipe. When the water temperature drops and the vacuum generated in the cooling system reaches a certain value (usually 10-20kPa), the air valve is sucked open and air enters the radiator from the steam exhaust pipe.

  B. Compensation bucket Compensation bucket is also called liquid storage tank, expansion tank, and auxiliary water tank. The compensation bucket is made of plastic and connected with the overflow pipe on the radiator and the coolant port with a hose. When the cooling liquid is heated and expanded, part of the cooling liquid flows into the compensation water bucket; when the cooling liquid is cooled, part of the cooling liquid is sucked back to the radiator, so the cooling liquid will not be lost.

  Two marking lines are engraved on the outer surface of the compensation bucket: "Low" line and "High" line. The liquid level in the compensation bucket should be between the two marking lines. If the liquid level is lower than the "low" line, add coolant to the barrel. When adding coolant to the barrel, the liquid level should not exceed the "high" line.